Revenue Uplift: Omnichannel Customer Base Management

Prior Situation / Scenario:

  • Manual Campaign Operation. Complex segmentation
  • Limited Batch Campaigns with no control groups defined
  • Limited to one communication channel: SMS
  • Blast messages created end-user lack of attention to offers
  • Non-contextual, Non-orchestrated messages

Client Challenges:

  • The ARPU was declining. Too many messages were delivered to users
  • They wanted to personalize offers that would automatically give users benefits after purchase or consumption
  • The current campaigns’ impact was not clear

Strata Solution/ Key Enablers:

  • Omnichannel integration (SMS, USSD, SAT-Push, Mobile App, Email)
  • Microsegmentation and Propensity Machine Learning Models
  • Consume a stream of events and integrate with the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) to automatically give benefits after the purchase according to individually incentivized offers
  • Control groups & A/B Testing to better understand the impact of offers and campaigns
  • Analytical dashboards to monitor campaigns real-time performance


  • Project took 5 months of implementation to deliver contextual real-time personalized offers across multiple communication channels (42% messaging reduction with 29% take-up rate increase)
  • Increasing conversion rates and better targeting with the application of ML models (Microseg. + Propensity scores)
  • Measuring performance with near Real-time campaign management dashboards


Within the first 18 months of the CBM & Marketing Automation Program we delivered a 2.1M USD revenue up-lift.|



